3 Ways to Repurpose Your Podcast Episodes



3 Ways to Repurpose Your Podcast Episodes

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Podcast episodes are long-form content, just like YouTube videos and blogs. Consider your podcast episodes as audio blogs. By repurposing your podcast episodes, you can drive traffic from various sources. The beauty of podcast episodes is their evergreen nature, ensuring they remain relevant and attract audiences for years, just like YouTube videos and blogs. Rest assured, people can discover your podcast episodes for years to come. 

Today, I want to tell you three ways you can repurpose your podcast episodes because your podcast episodes are so rich in information that you want to maximize your efforts to reach new audiences! 

Podcast Mic, Camera, headphones, and plant

Blog Posts

One of the best ways to repurpose your podcast episodes is to turn them into blog posts. Like I said above, think of your podcast episodes as audio blogs! You already have the intro, main points, examples, sources, and summary. All you have to do is write it out or use an AI app like Descript to do it for you, and you edit it into your voice. 

There are multiple benefits of turning your podcast episodes into blog posts; here are just a few. 

  1. Blog posts are also long-term content, so it’s searchable for years. 
  2. With SEO, you can rank on Google and other search engines, making it easier for your audience to find your podcast. 
  3. Drive traffic to your website – where people can learn more about you, your business, and your services. 

Turning your episodes into blog posts allows you to create pins for each post and market them on Pinterest. Lastly, if you already have a blog, you can turn those into podcast episodes to drive more traffic to your website. 

Newsletter Posts

Send each podcast episode to your email list, and you should offer an email list for your listeners to subscribe to. You can send a summary of the episode to your list and the link to your episodes. You can also send your subscribers the episode’s transcription; many podcast listeners like having the transcription available. 

I stay up to date with the podcasts I listen to by signing up for their newsletters if they have one. This way, I receive a summary of the episode and the link to it right in my email. This makes it easier for me to listen than search for the episode on Spotify. Make it convenient for your audience to listen to your show. 

Video Clips

This is the most popular way to repurpose podcast episodes, turning them into short video clips that can be used on Instagram, YouTube shorts, TikTok, Threads, Twitter, Pinterest, and even LinkedIn. 

Because video clips are so popular, people think they must have a video podcast, but that’s not true. Even if you have an audio-only podcast, you can create clips with the episode’s graphic and a 30-second audio clip.

What are other ways you can think of to repurpose podcast episodes? 

If you have any questions, feel free to comment or email me at Heidy@heidydelacruz.com.

With Love, Heidy 

Is a personal development newsletter an interest of yours? With a little bit of poetry? A little of opinion pieces? And some faith-based encouragement? Sign up for my Substack newsletter, “Into My Thoughts.” 

Check out my SEO Guide and Free Podcasting Resources at – https://stan.store/heidydelacruz 

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